
A training, not a treatment

It has no side effects as we do not put anything in or take anything out, therefore the effects are your journey, possibly reminding you of another past event.

The NeurOptimal® process is a private dance between the software system and the trainee.
The internal responses by the trainee are always diverse and different for everyone.

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is a one hundred percent, non invasive, safe method to help restore serenity, confidence and wellness back into your life.

If made part of your fitness regime – training your brain along side training your body – you will optimise results that you are looking for. And it is so easy and so relaxing!


A training, not a treatment

It has no side effects as we do not put anything in or take anything out, therefore the effects are your journey, possibly reminding you of another past event.

The NeurOptimal® process is a private dance between the software system and the trainee.
The internal responses by the trainee are always diverse and different for everyone.

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is a one hundred percent, non invasive, safe method to help restore serenity, confidence and wellness back into your life.

If made part of your fitness regime – training your brain along side training your body – you will optimise results that you are looking for. And it is so easy and so relaxing!

Benefits of NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback


– Optimises wellbeing
– Creates calm
– Promotes healthy sleep habits
– Helps manage performance anxiety
– Helps manage sports anxiety
– Improves mental functioning
– Manages stress better
– Enhances your mood
– Promotes personal transformation
– Improves concentration/problem solving
– Keeps your brain fit and functioning at its best
– A non-invasive brain training
– Is safe for all ages

Get in Touch

My goal is to help you live a fuller, calmer and happier life.