
My goal is to help you live a fuller, calmer and happier life.

Ballarat Central

By appointment only.

Call, text or email Jane


My goal is to help you live a fuller, calmer and happier life.

Ballarat Central

By appointment only.

Call, text or email Jane

"I have a very stressful, busy job. I have rented a system from Jane a few times. I find the 33 minutes of a Neurofeedback session to be a lovely relaxing way for me to take a break from the busy work day, or the relentless "monkey mind". I find it easy to hook up, and I enjoy just sitting back and relaxing, catching up with online news or social media, or even answering emails - all while giving the brain a workout! The results are real! I have felt calmer, clearer headed, and in control. I am more effective, productive and relaxed at work, even when working very long hours. I find I sleep better and enjoy life more. I would highly recommend NF to anyone wanting to feel good and enjoy a more productive, calmer life."
"With NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback I feel calmer and less reactive to the stressors that life throws at me. As a consequence I feel a greater sense of happiness and contentment."
"I am a 16 year old VCE student. I use to suffer with crippling anxiety. After using NF for several months it totally turned me around. I feel so much happier, calmer and I am way more capable of dealing with all the stressors I am faced with."
"I rented a NeurOptimal® system from Jane for a month. After the first week, doing a session almost daily, I felt calmer when faced with situations that might normally bring on stress. My 17 year old daughter used the system too, and I noticed she was calmer and a more pleasant adolescent to live with. Jane was only a phone call away, and promptly answered any queries I had regarding the system."
Jane P